Concise prevention/treatment for Covid


This guide is a collection of information regarding natural ways to stay healthy & medical resources should you contract Covid-19. This is not medical advice. Do your own research before trying anything.

First, the best thing you can do for yourself regarding your health is to live & manage a healthy lifestyle. God gave us everything we need.

  • Diet— Buy your food from local farmers markets and butchers. If you have to buy from a grocer, go with your local grocers. Stick to, as best as you can, to one ingredient foods (e.g. A potatoe is a potatoe. A steak is a steak etc) or foods with minimal ingredients. Stick to ingredients you can actually read.
  • Exercise as much as you can. I recommend cardio exercise, or anything that gets your heart rate up.
  • Sunshine & Fresh Air. Our body creates vitamin D from direct sunlight on our skin when outdoors. Most people should be able to get all the vitamin D they need from sunlight. Get grounded. Get your feet in the grass to start the exchange of electrons on the earth earth.
    Earthing aka Grounding Info

Remember this is a Respiratory virus, warm fluids (i.e. tea, bouillon, chicken soup), vitamin C, essential oils, steam tents – flush the virus out.

  • White Pine Needle Tea is one of the most potent anti-oxidants there is and it’s known to treat cancer, inflammation, stress and depression, pain and respiratory infections. Pine needle tea also kills parasites. Boiling fresh pine needles in order to make a tea is an extraction method that’s commonly used in food science. Pine needle tea contains Suramin, which Dr. Mikovits says is an Antidote. It offers protection against covid “vaccine shedding” which appears to be where vaccinated people are spreading harmful particles.

Pine Needle Tea Info
Suramin Info
Source Buy Dr Mikovits Site
Source Buy Etsy

  • Homemade Hydroxychloroquine
    Quinine has been used since the 1600s for treating malaria. Its synthetic forms are Chloroquine & Hydroxychloroquine.

Recipe & Additional Information
Instructional Video Here


  • Dr Zelenkos Protocols
    Dr. Zelenko’s cure rate was 90 + % and he only treated the elderly and those with comorbidities as part of his risk stratification approach.
    Dr Zelenkos Prophylaxis Protocol
    Dr Zelenkos Treatment Protocol
    Dr Zelenkos ZStack Protocol Store
    Treatment For Those who Took The Jab
  • Infusion Centers
    These sites provide Regeneron therapies are provided, so I’m confident sharing this info.
    These antibody therapies are restricted to certain high-risk patients.
    Find a Center Near You
    Monoclonal Antibody Therapeutic Locations
  • America’s Front Line Doctors
    AFLD Website to set up a Televisit. They will send you the drugs you need.
  • IV Clinics
    Get large doses of intravenous vitamins. Do a search for IV Clinics near you. Below are a few resources.
    IV Therapy Doctors
    Led by Dr Ardis. These doctors will help you get early treatment.

They will write you the prescriptions you need for FREE. If you have a loved one in the hospital, they have lawyers ready to contact the hospital to legally threaten them to put your loved ones on other treatments for FREE.

More & more evidence suggests that people are dying from the CDC/NIH protocols. STAY AWAY FROM REMDESIVIR & VENTILATORS!

  • Dr. Bryan Ardis
    Dr Ardis Joined General Flynn’s ReAwaken America Tour.
    Dr. Ardis explains how hospitals are killing patients using Remdesivir
  • The Kate Dalley Show
    HOW TO SAVE YOUR LOVED ONES LIFE IF IN A HOSPITAL. This video is what to do & how to do it. What to demand. What treatment.
  • FLCCC Protocol
    Unless your hospital supports the FLCCC protocol, STAY AWAY! In October 2020, FLCCC added ivermectin as a core medication in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. FLCCC regard ivermectin as a core medication in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.
    FLCCC Protocol Info

In memory of Veronica Wolski.

My Covid experience

My mother began her rough journey dealing with symptoms of covid.

Aug 19, 2021- first symptoms of congested head then it daily went to headache, nausea, body ache, then boom diarrhea, weak, foggy minded, zoned out, not hungry, unwilling to drink and unable to take meds very well (choked on them).
Today is Sept 3.

My research has lead me down many paths, regarding the covid virus:

*those susceptible to getting sick

*historical events coinciding with pandemics i.e. the introduction of radio waves, gamma waves,…5G

*natural inexpensive remedies

*preventative measures equally inexpensive 

*political motivations

*following the money trail

*Nuremburg trials 

“Do unto others as you would them do unto you” is a good reminder to those seeking to make a buck off the ignorant and willfully decisive.  Ignorant due to hidden information, purposeful disinformation and those who choose the unwise things over the wise, day in and day out – one day creating the perfect environment for sickness to thrive.

Prime example #1 – the simple asprin

“What the hell, Bobby?!” My husband and I have found that phrase to fit so well for so many things that blow our minds. 

An aspirin.  Simple. Affordable.  Common.

Prime example  #2 – zinc along with…

Quercetin is a zinc ionophore and the OTC equivalent to HydroxyChloroquine

What?! OTC equivalent! And someone is dying without the unprescribable hydroxychloroquin in the good old USA, but common in Africa. 

Prime example #3 – ivermectin 

No longer cornering the market with a patent, it is too trodden underfoot as something bad when in fact it is powerful. 

Questions to ask about these remedies/antidotes and more is

Who, What, When, Where, and How????

Greed, the love of $ over the simple loving remedies to heal a wounded soul physically.

So grateful for the simple Sodium Chloride drip and oxygen which she received at the hospital last night after testing positive. Today she is getting a monoclonal infusion of antibodies.

She began ivermectin 2 days before starting her symptoms, took 2nd dose on 20th. Had she known of a different protocol she would have done it. Here is a link for such protocol:

After a week or so she started hydrochloriquin with zinc, but too far in to be able to swollow pills very well.

In conclusion, my observation is that there are simple preventatives and good ole common sense of washing hands, drinking fluids, getting sunshine to keep us all healthy, come what may.

God bless.

Leave a comment below of your experience. We can learn from one another.

Roots and Letting Go


The pamphlet spoke of roots. 

Life on the road;  there would be no roots, church functions, much less family to run over and visit.  Every place would be new, briefly, then off to a new place. 

Kind of like our walk of faith as a Christian, we accept “the call” to be a believer in Jesus Christ, but we really don’t know what that entails either.  He calls us to let go of the world as we know it and conform to a new way of life.  

“Begin with the end in mind,”  Steven Covey said.  As a traveling family our “end” is to be debt free.  As a believer, our “end” is heaven.

So, basically my answers were sobering ones.  Life on the road would be hard. Period.  But it was the “call” we answered. 

                                                Let Go

Honestly, I couldn’t let go.  Just being honest.   I just couldn’t.    Fear crept in. Truthfully, I did not trust God would provide what I couldn’t control.

He gave me the tough answers.  No roots. 

Letting go would have freed up the rent and utilities money to put toward our expenses on the road.    Also, letting go of church activities, teaching positions at weekly homeschool  group classes, and seasonal sports was tough to do.   But family and friends offered to cover for me and encouraged our endeavor.  I routinely told people I was “non-committal”, but that we were available when in town.  Still to this day that is how we roll.

Why I study most every day for hours. (#1 Research)

Feb 12, 2021

Around 2015 or 2016 I heard over my left ear, “You Can’t Handle The Truth!” – from a dramatic scene from the movie ‘A Few Good Men’ with Tom Cruise and Demi Moore.  Then I opened a random journal out of a box of journals, opened to a random page and read those very same words, “You Can’t Handle the Truth!”

Not understanding the volume that would entail, I focused only on my career with Mary Kay, seeking truth about my involvement, assuming that is what the message was telling me.  My eyes were opened up to my obsession and motives.  I chose to let it go.  

Once I let go of that career I allowed God to teach me what I needed to know.

My initial growth spurt of knowledge dealt with loosing cellulite, logging my food intake and exercise, learning about intermittent fasting, iodine, boron, and magnesium.  Boron cleans out the pineal gland, as does iodine.  Years earlier, Bruce had discovered that zinc is what we needed for the common cold not so much the vitamin c. 

Next came learning about whole foods, juicing, and bio-available vitamins.

The ground work was set for understanding of the human body. I happened upon the mysterious lymphatic system.  No one in my whole life ever mentioned this system. 

Why not? 

It is key to the flow of liquids through the body, where white blood cells are generated ( I think) and how infections and foreign things are caught and filtered in the lymph nodes then returning to the blood.

My husband, Bruce, and I began hiking and bike riding.  Together we watched hours of videos of hikers and bikers.  Time well spent because it prepared us.

Per the counsel of a nutrition counselor, at a health food/supplement store, who was 80 years old and in excellent shape, I stopped taking birth control pills and started taking Iodoral 50mg which is  a blend of iodine and iodide, I went immediately into menopause.   He also explained that I did not need more protein powder to increase muscle strength but rather resistance exercises and to eat well.

Even though I did not notice a decrease in my cellulite my overall fat had decreased and was tested for total body fat, which was in an excellent range.

We bought vitamins from that store, which were pricey, but bio available for cells.  A couple of months later we were introduced to doTERRA products.  We decided to buy the vitamins (LLV Life Long Vitality vitamins) from them to support Bruce’s sister’s business. She also explained the value of essential oils.  We invested in our bodies by adding oils, toothpaste, mouthwash, deodorant, and cleaning products to our regimen and medicine cabinet.

Ok.  This is not a plug for doTERRA, but rather another area of study I found myself in; learning about vitamins and oils and how they affect the cells, rejuvenate the body, and protect us from getting sick.

I stopped the iodine/iodide to not conflict my study of how my body reacted to the vitamins.  I later reintroduced it to my regimen.

Questions arose as to why my doctor did not recommend me getting off the pill earlier based on my age and all these other health supplements.   I learned that in school doctors get very little education on nutrition.

Those two years of focusing on my health and stopping cosmetics (for the most part), lotions, deodorant with aluminum, drinking lemon water/filtered water I noted my skin improved, nails repaired 50%, and increased my energy (no longer needing a nap mid-day).

Ok, let’s stop here.  Simply shutting off the rhetoric of the career and feeding my body wholesome things and rejecting the junk food as much as possible, and gentle exercising … I became hungry for knowledge.

What I learned next would blow my mind.

Thrust into a new way of life

            With only a few days to pack and make a temporary plan, we decided that Bruce should go alone at first and we would come visit.  Being that we homeschooled our kids, it was actually gonna be an easy fit for us, life on the road.

Initially the journey entailed hotel expenses and lots of eating out.  Hmmm. 

We got the job because we needed money.  These expenses cost a lot of money, but so did rigging up a wagon to go West.  Our oxen was our “trusty” ole Ford F150, maroon two-tone, with one bench seat.

Well, when God clearly opens a door you may have to just go through squinting into the Son and blindly walk in the right direction, trusting he will provide. 

The work was similar to what he was used to doing, welding in a food grade manufacturing plant on stainless steel pipes that connected tanks of product; like milk  or icecream.  The difference was going to be 21 days on, 5-7 days off.    Thinking back, I’m not sure how we covered the expenses before we got our first check. I believe we borrowed money from his parents.

                             New adventure…lots of questions.

The plan, at max, was to last one year to be debt free, so we thought.  The money was to be big and allow us to pay off our debts. 

Then the questions started coming.  Ok, what do we do as a family?  Do we stay together or be separated?  How does that look in real life?  Apart means lots of tears, stress, and not working as a team.  Should we let go of our rental house and put our belongings in storage?  If so, then what happens on the days off?  Where would we go “home” to?

Upon our very first visit to see Bruce in Harrisburg, VA, he gets an alarming call that his mother is in ICU with a ruptured appendix. 

We loaded up and went home.

                                      Timely answers

In the ICU waiting room, I see a pamphlet in the magazine rack titled, “Life on the Road.”  Seriously?!  God had some answers.


My fascination with those traveling West in a covered wagon was and is deeply rooted.   Their struggle.  It actually inspires me.

Looking back over my 20+ year journey as a traveling wife, I see my struggles and feel a deep connection with those wives traveling West. 

Come.  Peak under the canvas of our wagon and see how we survived the journey.

The call came the next morning after my husband had gathered us all for a prayer the night before.  The kids, 8 and 10 years old, were on the bed, sitting.  I was listening intently as Bruce explains the situation that he needs a job.  He quotes the scripture from Hebrews 11:1, “Now faith,” pause.  I interject, ” is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”  His prayer was simple, but full of faith that God would provide a job.

The very next morning, Bruce answered a call; we find out it is a company he had applied with three months prior.  They informed of the need for a welder.  The life altering news was that he will be traveling on the road out of state.

No hesitation.  Our lives changed on a dime.