Why I study most every day for hours. (#1 Research)

Feb 12, 2021

Around 2015 or 2016 I heard over my left ear, “You Can’t Handle The Truth!” – from a dramatic scene from the movie ‘A Few Good Men’ with Tom Cruise and Demi Moore.  Then I opened a random journal out of a box of journals, opened to a random page and read those very same words, “You Can’t Handle the Truth!”

Not understanding the volume that would entail, I focused only on my career with Mary Kay, seeking truth about my involvement, assuming that is what the message was telling me.  My eyes were opened up to my obsession and motives.  I chose to let it go.  

Once I let go of that career I allowed God to teach me what I needed to know.

My initial growth spurt of knowledge dealt with loosing cellulite, logging my food intake and exercise, learning about intermittent fasting, iodine, boron, and magnesium.  Boron cleans out the pineal gland, as does iodine.  Years earlier, Bruce had discovered that zinc is what we needed for the common cold not so much the vitamin c. 

Next came learning about whole foods, juicing, and bio-available vitamins.

The ground work was set for understanding of the human body. I happened upon the mysterious lymphatic system.  No one in my whole life ever mentioned this system. 

Why not? 

It is key to the flow of liquids through the body, where white blood cells are generated ( I think) and how infections and foreign things are caught and filtered in the lymph nodes then returning to the blood.

My husband, Bruce, and I began hiking and bike riding.  Together we watched hours of videos of hikers and bikers.  Time well spent because it prepared us.

Per the counsel of a nutrition counselor, at a health food/supplement store, who was 80 years old and in excellent shape, I stopped taking birth control pills and started taking Iodoral 50mg which is  a blend of iodine and iodide, I went immediately into menopause.   He also explained that I did not need more protein powder to increase muscle strength but rather resistance exercises and to eat well.

Even though I did not notice a decrease in my cellulite my overall fat had decreased and was tested for total body fat, which was in an excellent range.

We bought vitamins from that store, which were pricey, but bio available for cells.  A couple of months later we were introduced to doTERRA products.  We decided to buy the vitamins (LLV Life Long Vitality vitamins) from them to support Bruce’s sister’s business. She also explained the value of essential oils.  We invested in our bodies by adding oils, toothpaste, mouthwash, deodorant, and cleaning products to our regimen and medicine cabinet.

Ok.  This is not a plug for doTERRA, but rather another area of study I found myself in; learning about vitamins and oils and how they affect the cells, rejuvenate the body, and protect us from getting sick.

I stopped the iodine/iodide to not conflict my study of how my body reacted to the vitamins.  I later reintroduced it to my regimen.

Questions arose as to why my doctor did not recommend me getting off the pill earlier based on my age and all these other health supplements.   I learned that in school doctors get very little education on nutrition.

Those two years of focusing on my health and stopping cosmetics (for the most part), lotions, deodorant with aluminum, drinking lemon water/filtered water I noted my skin improved, nails repaired 50%, and increased my energy (no longer needing a nap mid-day).

Ok, let’s stop here.  Simply shutting off the rhetoric of the career and feeding my body wholesome things and rejecting the junk food as much as possible, and gentle exercising … I became hungry for knowledge.

What I learned next would blow my mind.

Published by Trust God

With a humble heart I seek the LORD for truth.