Prophecies Being fulfilled NOW

The book of Revelation at the end of most dusty Bibles is being fulfilled right at this moment while TVs blare and Facebook beckons the fingers.

Are you aware?

We all know things worldwide seem off as we order our donut and coffee.  What is actually happening?

The dusty book with unwrinkled pages tells of our days unfolding before us.

Jesus is coming for his bride, the church. Who is the church? The spotless ones, renewed by repentance and living righteously,  full of the promised Holy Spirit – Counselor and Comforter.

Psalm 51, start there, then John 3 and Acts 2. Your Father (Creator) in Heaven loves you, sent His Son, the Annointed One, Jesus, to take the sins of the world – your sins, yes, those private and unannounced sins no one knows about and those others are fully aware of.  Jesus died for you by the hands of unbelievers full of anger. He was truly spotless, sinless, humble, gentle. Read Act 6&7.

Be ready. Jesus promised to return for those who are willing to lay this world down and follow him.

Those not ready will endure 7 years of tribulation (wars, famine, pestilence,  plagues, earthquakes…) Now read Revelation 6-12.

Now are you ready?

Published by Trust God

With a humble heart I seek the LORD for truth.