The jobs initially took us up the East Coast then on to other job locations staying in hotels, then finally we decided to take the plunge and purchase a camper. Choosing a “covered wagon” was pretty basic for those heading West. We soon discovered, however, the choices were endless now a days. Wide eyed, we …
Author Archives: Trust God
Is the Bible from Heaven? Is the Earth a Globe?
My aim is to equip you. The Holy Spirit will lead you in all truth. In John chapter 16, Jesus is talking to his disciples. He knew in three years he was unable to share everything with them, but he promised that after he ascended to heaven he would send the Comforter/Counselor aka the Holy …
Continue reading “Is the Bible from Heaven? Is the Earth a Globe?”
What is in the vaccine? Poisons
Someone’s,,,,,,,BRILLIANT HOMEWORK !!!!!! “I gathered all vaccine ingredients into a list and contacted Poison Control. After intros and such, and asking to speak with someone tenured and knowledgeable, this is the gist of that conversation. Me: My question to you is how are these ingredients categorized? As benign or poison? (I ran a few ingredients, …
Experiments on Humans
At our hospitals, universites, military bases, Bill Clinton admits to 1000’s
Staph and strep masks
Blood that Clumps and Lights up after vaccine
Concise prevention/treatment for Covid
MJ’S COVID BRIDGE GUIDE This guide is a collection of information regarding natural ways to stay healthy & medical resources should you contract Covid-19. This is not medical advice. Do your own research before trying anything. 🚨 THE BASICSFirst, the best thing you can do for yourself regarding your health is to live & manage …
My Covid experience
My mother began her rough journey dealing with symptoms of covid. Aug 19, 2021- first symptoms of congested head then it daily went to headache, nausea, body ache, then boom diarrhea, weak, foggy minded, zoned out, not hungry, unwilling to drink and unable to take meds very well (choked on them).Today is Sept 3. My …
Roots and Letting Go
“Begin with the end in mind,” Steven Covey said. As a traveling family our “end” is to be debt free. As a believer, our “end” is heaven.
Why I study most every day for hours. (#1 Research)
Ever hear a voice over your shoulder? I did, in my left ear. “You Can’t Handle the Truth!” My journey for truth began right there.