My mother began her rough journey dealing with symptoms of covid.
Aug 19, 2021- first symptoms of congested head then it daily went to headache, nausea, body ache, then boom diarrhea, weak, foggy minded, zoned out, not hungry, unwilling to drink and unable to take meds very well (choked on them).
Today is Sept 3.
My research has lead me down many paths, regarding the covid virus:
*those susceptible to getting sick
*historical events coinciding with pandemics i.e. the introduction of radio waves, gamma waves,…5G
*natural inexpensive remedies
*preventative measures equally inexpensive
*political motivations
*following the money trail
*Nuremburg trials
“Do unto others as you would them do unto you” is a good reminder to those seeking to make a buck off the ignorant and willfully decisive. Ignorant due to hidden information, purposeful disinformation and those who choose the unwise things over the wise, day in and day out – one day creating the perfect environment for sickness to thrive.
Prime example #1 – the simple asprin
“What the hell, Bobby?!” My husband and I have found that phrase to fit so well for so many things that blow our minds.
An aspirin. Simple. Affordable. Common.
Prime example #2 – zinc along with…
Quercetin is a zinc ionophore and the OTC equivalent to HydroxyChloroquine
What?! OTC equivalent! And someone is dying without the unprescribable hydroxychloroquin in the good old USA, but common in Africa.
Prime example #3 – ivermectin
No longer cornering the market with a patent, it is too trodden underfoot as something bad when in fact it is powerful.
Questions to ask about these remedies/antidotes and more is
Who, What, When, Where, and How????
Greed, the love of $ over the simple loving remedies to heal a wounded soul physically.
So grateful for the simple Sodium Chloride drip and oxygen which she received at the hospital last night after testing positive. Today she is getting a monoclonal infusion of antibodies.
She began ivermectin 2 days before starting her symptoms, took 2nd dose on 20th. Had she known of a different protocol she would have done it. Here is a link for such protocol:
After a week or so she started hydrochloriquin with zinc, but too far in to be able to swollow pills very well.
In conclusion, my observation is that there are simple preventatives and good ole common sense of washing hands, drinking fluids, getting sunshine to keep us all healthy, come what may.
God bless.
Leave a comment below of your experience. We can learn from one another.
Sad. Apparently a larger dose of Ivermectin is needed with the variant. Klear nose spray takes viral load out of nose which is main place it rests. Doctors are available on to prescribe different off label drugs for treatment and Ivermectin as needed for prevention. Thay have increased suggested amounts and frequentcy.
Thank you. I checked their pharmacies the only one not requiring prescription was in canada,3 weeks for delivery. The ER doctor said “They: would not let him prescribe it. This is the Depopulation Agenda at our doorstep. Note: Georgia Gidestones