My fascination with those traveling West in a covered wagon was and is deeply rooted.   Their struggle.  It actually inspires me.

Looking back over my 20+ year journey as a traveling wife, I see my struggles and feel a deep connection with those wives traveling West. 

Come.  Peak under the canvas of our wagon and see how we survived the journey.

The call came the next morning after my husband had gathered us all for a prayer the night before.  The kids, 8 and 10 years old, were on the bed, sitting.  I was listening intently as Bruce explains the situation that he needs a job.  He quotes the scripture from Hebrews 11:1, “Now faith,” pause.  I interject, ” is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”  His prayer was simple, but full of faith that God would provide a job.

The very next morning, Bruce answered a call; we find out it is a company he had applied with three months prior.  They informed of the need for a welder.  The life altering news was that he will be traveling on the road out of state.

No hesitation.  Our lives changed on a dime.

Pioneer wagon

Published by Trust God

With a humble heart I seek the LORD for truth.

9 replies on “PIONEER”

  1. Thank you for sharing; nice story.
    It is about the journey and not the destinstion, as they say; and your story reminds me that choosing the opportunities can lead, instantly, to a new life experience that is aligned with our desires and thoughts. 💛

    1. Michelle, my dear sister (one of my two dear ones), yes, each decision is a pivot point.

      Praising God in everything despite how we feel brings our heart to a neutral place, no more anxiety about the negative events. One of the promises in the Bible is, He will give you the desires of your heart when we delight in Him. Psalm 37:4

      I’m excited about the future, because I have desires in my heart that have a promise to hold onto: holding puppies, watching my garden grow, playing with our grandkids, fellowshiping with other like minded people.

  2. Good stuff. Suggestion : somewhere in your post, I suggest, for those that don’t know you, you go back as far as your birthplace in Virginia. Our family, your mother and I, began our life together traveling, and it seems that you may be the latter generation of Gulliver. 🤔🙂

    1. Dad, that is a good place to time travel back to start this journey as a family. I’m currently in VA where Bruce is working, matter of fact, it it the very 1st job he had on the road. Full circle now, 9 years later. I wonder what is next, RAPTURE or next earthly adventure. God knows. I’ll just be ready. Hugs and Kisses.

  3. The journey of faith with family is filled with adventure. Your children will never forget your travels and trust in the Lord, that he IS Faithful and that “God rewards those who diligently seek Him!”

    1. Yes Heldur, God does reward those who diligently seek him. These past 19 years now traveling on the road has allowed our children, now grandchildren to experience different cities, people,churches, beaches, state parks, museums, laundromats mostly (LOL). We (I) homeschooled our kids the whole time. Good times!

  4. Love this Wendy thank you for sharing with us .Wendy you have many talents and cant wait to see what else is in store !!

    1. Lisa, dear friend, I have written a few more blogs (quick reads) that you may find interesting. Search at bottom of each page.

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