Hi, I’m Wendy, a light hearted wanderer.
Our family has experienced two major life changes intertwined: homeschooling and travel, both of which started with an answer to a calling. We pick up our journey midway into homeschooling where my husband gets “the call.” No hesitation. Our lives changed on a dime.
Recently, with all this Covid craze I’ve plunged into research. Research lead down many paths.
Join me as we begin this journey via my blog. Before we head out, here is a song our son and I wrote a few years back called How Am I Doin’?
a cappella
written by: Wendy Gilliam Owens and Brandon Owens
Our journey begins here:
Author Wendy Gilliam Owens
I must share this lovely song! Is it permissable?
Share the link to this page please.
it’s uplifting
Thank you for stopping by for a visit. Jesus is available 24/7.
Indeed it is !
As always ,gorgeous voice ,beautiful inside and out. Miss your companionship .
God Bless you today and always.
Thank you. Glad our travels took us to your neck of the woods – Oregon. I recall you visiting me at our camper for a chat in response to my flier in the laundry room, “ME TIME”. Immediate friendship.
Always a pleasure to stop here and take a breath as well as a break! Feels HEAVENLY!
Wendy, this song is such a blessing as are you!!
Thank you Sharon.
You seem to be doing just what you are supposed to be doing. We can’t all be semi reformed altar boys.
Thanks for visiting my website. Enjoyed chatting today. My YouTube channel is Wendy Owens. https://youtu.be/940bt-cuskA
Wendy… It was such a blessing getting your phone call today!!! You made my day and I can’t thank you enough for sharing all that information with me. I can’t wait to check out all those videos and learn more about what you are speaking of. I am so blessed that God put you in my path to call me today! Thank you!!!
All those who wander, aren’t lost
Keep up the good faith!

I met you Wendy and the very first thing that I noticed was a very joyful lady! You prayed
with me and we both felt a tingle in our arms and legs. It was the holy spirit! That made us very happy. You Wendy helped me in so many ways that day. I really want to spend more time with you. You proved to me that God really does send good Christian
people in my life. You are definitely one of them. You gave me lots of comfort just knowing that I’m not alone.
Yay! It was a pleasure to spend time chatting and praying with you. Yes, the LORD was very present in our encounter. I would love to spend time with you. You are not alone. I will send you an email to stay connected.
It was nice to meet you at the TA. In Santa Rosa NM.. I was able to get a room after all.. and it was $45.
The Traveler
Great to meet you, Robert. The LORD is watching over you. Jeremiah 33:3